- Name 張慈薇
- Name 謝元富
- Office Tel No. 25000,21800,21810
- Research Expertise 音樂/指揮(管弦樂合奏(合唱)、管絃樂作品研究、室內樂、音樂風格與作品、交響樂作品賞析、古典與流行)、文創與展演、音樂專題研究 (Music/command (orchestral ensemble (chorus), orchestral works research, chamber music, music style and works, appreciation of symphonic works, classical and popular, cultural creation and performance, Musical research)
Current course
GE27101 藝術欣賞(Appreciation of Art)
- Name 厲以壯
- Office Tel No. 21813
- Research Expertise 文化創意產業、採訪寫作、電視新聞製作、質性研究
Current course
CTR1200 博物館與文化資產專題(Topics on Museums and Cultural Heritage)
GE32201 文化人類學(Cultural Anthropology)
CA11800 考古學概論(Introduction to Archaeology)
CA21000 文化觀光與地方創生(Cultural Tourism and Regional Revitalization)
CA11700 考古學與文化資產(Archaeology and Cultural Assets)
- Name 呂尹超
- Office Tel No. 21817
- Research Expertise 博物館學、建築與都市、文化資產、展覽策畫與空間設計、文化觀光、眷村文化
Current course
CA30800 文創產業經營實務(Cultural and Creativity Business)
AR05300 電腦輔助建築設計(AutoCAD)
CT02100 創意與科技產業概論(Introduction of Creative and Technological Industries)
CTT0200 創意與科技產業研究專題(Topics on Creative and Technology Industries)
- Name 施怡廷
- Office Tel No. 23412
- Research Expertise 身心障礙研究、社會福利與政策、學校社工與輔導 (Social work direct service, Social work indirect service, Physical and mental disorder research)
Current course
SY23700 社會福利概論(Introduction to Social Welfare)
SY41600 醫務社會工作(Medical Social Work)
SY41801 社會工作實習(一)(Social Work Practice (I))
- Name 楊俊傑
- Office Tel No. 21818
- Research Expertise 傳統手繪與電腦繪圖、視覺傳達、影片製作、3D動畫、VFX特效製作、網頁程式設計 (Drawing,Computer-generated image, Visual communication design, Film production, 3D Visual effects and composition)
Current course
CT02202 創意思考(Creative Thinking)
AR00800 基本設計與表現法(一)(Basic Design & Representation (1))
AR02000 建築與藝術(Architecture & Arts)
CA23900 創意生活產業實務(Creative Life Industries Practice)
CA26200 世界生活美學與創意設計(Global Everyday Aesthetics and Creative Design)
CA23500 生活美學與創意(Everyday Aesthetics and Creativity)
- Name 羅榮華 (JUNG_HUA LO)
- Office Tel No. 23200,23220
- Research Expertise 軟體品質管理、系統與軟體可靠度分析、行動裝置開發、軟體成本估算
Current course
CS40F00 實務實習1(Practicum(Ⅰ))
CS31F00 系統分析與設計(Systems Analysis and Design)
CS40A00 專題實作2(Advanced Project Design and Implementation(Ⅱ))
CS30N00 專題實作1(Advanced Project Design and Implementation(Ⅰ))
CTAA700 軟體評估模式(Software Engineering Practice)
- Name 蔡明志
- Office Tel No. 21800,21814
- Research Expertise 文化資產、博物館學、文化創意產業、文化觀光、宜蘭地方文化、世界遺產 (Cultural Heritage Studies, Museology, Cultural Creative Industry, Architectural and Urban Design, Architectural History, , ,)
Current course
CTR0200 臺灣傳統建築與聚落專題(Topics on Traditional Architecture and Settlements in Taiwan)
CA21000 文化觀光與地方創生(Cultural Tourism and Regional Revitalization)
- Name 郭龍
- Office Tel No. 25118
- Research Expertise 5150201 人機系統、5150200 人因工程、7020911 系統分析與設計/軟體工程、9010256 視覺傳達設計、9040305 剪接、9040300 電影製作
Current course
CS21Y00 虛擬實境與擴增實境(Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality)
CS21R00 3D遊戲程式設計(3D Game Programming)
CS31P00 遊戲介面設計(Game interface design)
CS40F00 實務實習1(Practicum(Ⅰ))
CT03400 科技應用與文化創新(Technological Applications and Cultural Innovation)
- Name 高宜淓
- Office Tel No. 23215
- Research Expertise 文化創意產業研究、地方創生、媒體創作研究、工藝與設計、跨領域課程設計與研究 (Cultural and creative industry research, Visual communication design, Graphic Design, Cultural and creative product development)
Current course
GE29201 宗教藝術與文化生活(Religious Art and Cultural Life)
GE28501 生涯教育自主學習(Career Education and Self - Motivated Learning)
CT02500 全球文創產業趨勢(Global Trend of Creative Industries)
CS21A00 多媒體企劃與腳本實作(Multimedia Design and Writing)
- Name 黃文龍
- Office Tel No. 23700,23720
- Research Expertise 數位影像製作、傳播教育學、基礎攝影、數位剪輯、攝影棚實務、電影理論、電視節目製作、數位調光、(微)電影製作、紀錄片製作
Current course
CN21300 電腦多媒體製作(Computer Multi-Media Design)
CN42600 畢業實習(Graduation Internship)
CN42700 畢業製作(I)(上)(Graduation Project(I))
CN35300 傳播倫理與法規(Communication Ethics and Law)
CN11500 攝影原理與實務 (Principles and Practice for Photographic)